Tuesday 5 October 2010

Sunday 3rd Oct - Cruise Day 2 – Quebec City to Sept-Iles

First of our two days at sea but probably the most exciting part of the journey where we went through the Saguenay Fjord and along the Riviere Saguenay which was spectacular scenery.  The ship stopped for 30 minutes or so at a huge statue of Notre Dame de (??xx??) in white stone, miles from anywhere, that was erected over 100 years ago.

Spent the day just looking out and doing the occasional bit of whale watching and saw some Minky and Beluga whales and some dolphins but it’s not easy photographing them as all you get is “there’s one over there” and you have to focus on where it’s likely to pop up – still I got one or two.  It’s much easier to photograph black bears as they move a lot slower.

The evening entertainment was pretty good with a show entitled “Broadway” where the song and dance troup did various songs from shows.  Not really my thing but it was done quite well.  More food…………

Tomorrow we dock at Sept Iles at about 7am.

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