Wednesday 22 September 2010

Monday 20th Sept - Bath to Ottawa

Set off early so we could call in at Bonnie's sister Pat on the way to Ottawa.  Pat and Keith live in a log cabin on a lake.  Keith was also in IT most of his working life.  Jean's comment was along the lines of "you were in IT as well - why haven't we got a cottage by a lake?"  My little ears pricked up when Keith said - how about thinking of a house swap - I've never been to England.  Pat was kind enough to give us coffee and muffins while Keith explained to me about his electricity generation project.  He's got massive solar panels in the front of his drive that track the sun and generate electricity straight into the national grid for which he gets 80 cents per kwh.  He then buys his electricity at 5 cents per kwh.  Every quarter he gets a check from the electric company.  He makes a goodly amount out of it although he's not self sufficient.

Then it was back on the road to Ottawa with a few picturesque stops on the way starting at Bedford Mill..

Then we continued on to Ottawa - anyone for a pumpkin?

Then we stopped at the Rideaux Canal to stretch our legs and then an area on a lake on the outskirts for lunch.

Then it was on to Ottawa to check in and make the most of the remaining afternoon/evening to see some Ottawa sights.

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