Thursday, 16 September 2010

Thursday 16th Sept - Kingston

Oh dear, weather turned today and it started tipping down.  Jean and Bonnie decided to go swimming at the Amherstview Swimming Pool where there is also a Skating Rink and Library so being the intellectuals that Jim and I are, we decided to spend an hour studying in the library after seeing the famous Ice Hockey rink. 

We're in Loyalist County here in Ontario and therefore the rink has a picture of the Queen who is revered in these parts.  The ensign on the right is the provincial flag of Ontario.

Here's Jim

............ and me .......

and the library..........

And then it was off to Chez Piggy in Kingston for lunch ....  Chez Piggy was built as a livery stable in early victorian times when Kingston was the major town in the area and was going to be the capital city of Ontario but was deemed to be too close to the American border.

We then discovered Bulk Barn where you can buy bucketsfull of candy, dried fruit, beans and virtually everything you can think of! 

We're praying for sunshine tomorrow to get back outside into the beautiful countryside!

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